The Daily Growth Blog #32/365 | Refresh Week: The Heart (and soul)

Vineet V. George
3 min readNov 29, 2021


As we get kicking on ‘refresh week’, I thought it might be a good idea to get into the depths of my core — My Heart. (Yes, I do understand that the most hard working organ in our body doesn’t add anything to our day to day thoughts or emotions, but I am going to play along with the romanticism of it all).

That two wheeled party animal is also part of my heart, I think.


I’ve been quite emotional, all through my life. The emotional roller coaster is under control now, much better than what it was years ago. For instance, from the age of 4 or 5 to about 15 or 16 I never really had any control on my emotions. I would openly berate people, over-think things, be a bit of a spoilsport with people around me and didn’t really ‘love’ openly.

Things slowly improved to a point now, where I am more or less emotionless in the face of sudden issues/shocks/tribulations. I don’t react (mostly) and have learnt the art of responding. From client escalations to family emergencies — I’ve pretty much understood the power of managing emotions, keeping them at bay and acting on data (rather than feelings).

Servicing & Repair

Now, with my emotions under control, I feel that the next phase of growth needs me to be more at love with my surroundings, be a superman of sorts, when it comes to personal relationships or commitments, at least.

Why? Because there are still instances where I act selfishly.

If I’m not feeling up to it, I’d expect others to back off for a bit, or I may not engage with beings around me in the right manner. I would go into my cocoon, not understand that someone else needs me to be ‘me’ and help get their spirits up.

There are very few people in the world who have this innate ability to walk into a room and lift the energy of that room by their very presence. I’m trying to build that power in me. Creating and sustaining that power requires an exceptionally big heart (again, figuratively, not literally). I want to build that heart. Be able to compartmentalise my sorrows or pressures or childishness, if you may, and be the backbone that people around me might need.

And it’s not just about the people around me. I feel energised and happy when I’ve been there for someone, if I’ve gone out of my way to support others and help others. That’s just how it is (for now).

Test Drive

Cool, so now that we’ve got the ‘emotional’ part out of the way, let’s get to what’s happening in Bangalore today.

Today, my brother and I have decided to go cafe hopping in Church street — One of the nicest places in Bangalore. We’ll head out in the evening, maybe start with some soup or chai, then grab one dish in different restaurants in Church Street. (Only Church Street) — Will be fun. Should I maybe Instagram about it? Would be fun. Let’s see.

Idling & Warmth

Winding up today’s refresh week blog with a bit on gratitude now. I was so happy when I woke up today. I was thankful to everything around me but most importantly, I was so thankful for the weather in Bangalore today. It’s so pleasant, cool, breezy and lovely. I am amazed at how beautiful it is.

A city’s weather is core to its culture, its life. And given how closely I’ve been associated with Bangalore and never really ‘lived’ here, I’m thankful for this opportunity in life, to be able to explore Bangalore and absorb the culture of the city.

It’s wonderful.

Bangalore, you beauty.



Vineet V. George
Vineet V. George

Written by Vineet V. George

A sales and consulting professional who enjoys writing about things that are close to his heart.

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