The Daily Growth Blog #27/365 | The week that was (a poem)
The week started well,
Delhi’s pollution wasn’t the only thing I could smell.
Monday was slow,
took in the sights, was feeling a bit mellow.
The excitement was palpable though,
there were a few results I’d been waiting for.
The calendar was slightly free,
a coffee, some dinner and a trip in Delhi’s Metro melee.
Meeting friends is always nice,
A mirror of your younger days, each day was a throw of the dice.
Tuesday finally dawned bright & sunny,
Even Delhi was trying to keep us back, looking cute like a bunny.
I should probably learn how to rhyme better,
and then continue this poem pitter-patter. (I’m hopeless)
The evening was spent well, at the airport,
T1 looked weirdly small, and I was at the receiving end of angry retorts.
Wednesday was spent getting to know rainy Bengaluru,
finally, back home (new home), chalo ab ho jaayein shuru?
Getting back into a routine is always a bit of a bother,
with the weather so nice, what would you do, rather?
I decided to take it slow, learning & reading as I wanted to,
the universe had other plans, gave me a slight bashing or two.
It took me a bit of time to recover from some ‘different’ news,
you expect and hope but life’s plans will keep you amused.
A birthday was well celebrated, with the love of family,
and new goals were formed, during a McDonald’s matinee.
Thursday was long and sweet, without much excitement,
I got back to my runs, which was mostly Nike’s endearment.
I love going on car drives with my brother & mom a lot,
we don’t get many chances to, but I’m happy it happens more often than naught.
Finally it was Friday, a day for reset and some hits of dopamine,
a run, a bicycle ride and the gym created a super-positive (internal) scene.
The week was lovely, as lovely as can be,
I was vulnerable throughout, about a future I’m still unable to see.
When things go a bit awry, it’s always better to find discipline,
a routine to fall back on creates a quiet core, rising above the mindless din.
So as we step into Sunday, there’s not a lot to think about,
I’m happy I continue to focus on my tasks at hand, rising above my restlessness and doubt.