The Daily Growth Blog #22/365 | The 5 different types of runners (people)
A run is a very good metaphor for life. The way we feel inside (our mind-space), the trail we run on (path of life) and the co-runners we encounter (people). A good run leaves us feeling tired, but refreshed. Similarly a great experience in life challenges us, but also energises us.
With that in mind, here are the different types of runners I encountered in my last run, on Friday, and the various things I learned about life from these runners.
#1 — Me & the emptiness
The first runner I encountered was me. My thoughts and my abilities defined how I felt about the run. On Friday, I was feeling excited and hopeful. I wasn’t in a rush, and every time an open stretch loomed up in front of me, I ran like I was a child again, without inhibitions and without any constraints. It was so nice.
In life too, when sometimes we face open roads, everything is going well for us and we are on a run of good luck, it’s important to be as innocent and humble as a child would be. Never getting attached to the success or freedom but always enjoying it as much as we can.
True enjoyment lies inside us, in how we feel and how we celebrate within ourselves.
#2 — Fun-lovers, Spectators and Cheerleaders
There were so many people who were just out there to enjoy life, didn’t really care about running or walking. Some were there with friends, some with family. It was a lovely atmosphere all around. Some of them would ignore me, some would give me a thumbs up and some would just look at me, with curiosity, as I run past them without a care in the world.
In life too, we will interact with different sets of people who’ll be in our circle of influence for a bit and then we might not even meet them again. Some of these people will be nice, some will be fun-loving and others would not even be visible to our inner soul. It’s up to us to keep our heads down, smile and keep running past them.
The more we move away from distractions, and the more we focus on our own path, the less we’ll be swayed away from achieving our actual goals in life.
#3 — People who’ve almost given up (and can pull you down with them)
Some of the people I crossed were tired as hell, mentally and physically. They’d run their run and they were ready to rest. When these are people we know or who we were running with, they can ask us also to slow down or rest with them. They might even convince us that it’s too hot to continue the run and that we should go to that nearby cafe and a nice breakfast. How we manage these people in defines how our run goes eventually.
This goes back to the point about how people can either add energy to, or take away energy from their surroundings. It is up to us to ensure that we surround ourselves with people who are positive, continue to push themselves and in turn understand our goals & our path in life. We will have to leave some of the people we’ve known, behind. We will have to move on. That’s the only way we can progress and make the most out of our lives.
Let’s not be afraid to let go. Finishing the last chapter is the only way we can start with the next chapter of our lives.
#4 — People (and other beings) who are enjoying themselves too
Some of the people I came across during the run were such a joy to cross. They were so in love with themselves and their own walk or run, they’d pass by with a huge smile on their faces or singing to themselves or laughing. Their presence created such a positive impact on my own run. I was so thankful to them for being who they were.
Similarly, in life, we will meet some extraordinary people. These people will inspire us. Their very presence will spark joy in our soul. We should try and learn whatever we can from these individuals, high-five them and imbibe positive values that they stand for.
It is always important to learn from positive beings around us.
#5 — People who’re blocking our path
Unfortunately, there were some sets of people who were so lost in their own world, they did not even realise that they were blocking the path of other people around them. As I ran closer, some of them got it and move away. Others were not as accommodating. They stuck to their path, and would not give way. Not a problem, I could step out onto the mud carefully, run a couple of paces in the dirt and hop back on to the path as soon as I’d crossed the momentary people-hurdle.
Life will also present us with individuals who come in our way for no reason at all. Some of them may have ulterior motives but mostly, they’re unaware. They’re existing, without really living wholeheartedly. There’s no need, for us, to get affected by the presence of such people. We should carefully side-step them, manage a bit of discomfort and then jump back on the path of life without missing a beat.
Life’s all about letting go off uncertainties, managing obstacles and tackling problems without losing sight of where we are headed.
There you have it. I just started running a few months ago, and I’m in love with it. It is a great way to get into a winner’s mindset because no matter what we do when we’re running, we are getting better, every step of the way.