The Bedtime Series | Season 1, Ep 2: Heart & Love
What is the heart? What do we mean when we refer to our mind, heart or soul? Well, in the end, everything stems from our brain (yes, I know). But the romanticism of the heart is one of the oldest and sweetest expressions of human existence. Over time I have come to understand the importance of the phrases, ‘thinking from the heart’ or ‘giving it all your heart’ or ‘love in your heart’. Yes, I’ve felt the most alive when I have filled my heart with love. How do I fill it with love? That’s a bit difficult to answer objectively. I have come close to understanding these states of happy-ness though. When I feel grateful, gift someone something or am able to help someone, I enter a state of bliss — maybe even a state of flow (because I’ve found that I’m able to focus on my work a lot better too). That’s where the concept of love also makes itself felt perhaps.
It is magical, to say the least, to be in love. And I don’t just mean being in love with someone. Technically, you could never be ‘in love’ with another being, I believe. You may feel ‘just right’ or ‘in tune’ with someone else. Probably that someone does bring out the best in you and you feel you should be spending more time with that person so you’re able to live more happily, in sync with your true being, with love in your heart. And that’s all there is. It is the quest of the human soul to be able to find more love, less anxiety and some form of companionship to add more meaning to the biological need for a ‘mate’.
Anyway, coming back to the true meaning of heart for me. There are two ways I have always done anything. One way is the conventional way — The adult way, the rational way — Think logically, do mentally and enjoy the results sensibly. The other way (the one I tend to prefer) is the childlike way — the irrational way — Think from the mind, do from the soul and enjoy with all your heart. I have found myself letting go of inhibitions, smiling more, jumping in joy more and connecting with others a LOT more when I let go of any ‘adult’ thoughts of society (log kya kahenge), or the need to adhere to the normal.
I learned this from my mother initially. She has always been so much fun to be around, always happy, chirpy and living life so freely. She’ll always make inappropriate jokes (even on herself), take things lightly (even if everyone around her is dead serious) and ensure that people around her know that she is a firm believer in the philosophy of ‘live and let live’. There’s (mostly) very little judgment, even lesser expectations and ultra levels of chilling around her. I will not lie, with age, there are responsibilities and general vagaries that have made a slight dent in that colourful demeanour but it is still a few notches higher than others of her age. And I appreciate her for that. She’s gone through a lot (we’ll cover her in another blog though).
Over time, the child in me, the heart inside me, continue to live a life of their own — choosing to completely hide deep inside for long periods of time (months on end at times). 2020 was perhaps one of those years where the child had quietened quite a bit. It was necessary too, given that only the ‘adults’ could make sense of what was happening around them. Children just want to be able to go out and play. Viruses can play too. But when the child is out, full power on, I feel completely different. I can achieve anything and be the best version of myself. It is such an amazing place to be in. Probably the happiest, most free and kindest version of ME. I can sing, dance, sell, consult, lead, dine, cry, smile, laugh and just be myself, effortlessly.
I think I’m a bit sleepy now. So let’s end this abruptly (again). Till next time, good night. :)