Vineet V. George
2 min readMar 22, 2021

The Bedtime Series | Season 1, Ep 17: It is nice to be important but…

What does it mean to be nice? I have no clue. I don’t think I am a nice human being actually. I do believe that I could be a lot more than I am right now, or do a lot more than I do. But I also know that people around me do believe I am nice, deep inside or on the outside. I’m not saying I am not a good person. I know I will do the right thing, I obviously won’t swindle someone for my own benefit, and I will surely help someone out, if they need my help. but I will not still feel like I’ve done something that warrants the adjective ‘nice’. Call me old fashioned but I think there are some human traits that just need to be there. That’s why we are called human ‘beings’. We should be able to think, feel, speak and do in ways that are compassionate, good, helpful and ,in general, ‘human’.

I know many nice human beings too. And these people are genuinely nice. From the very core of their beings, niceness comes out. They speak well, mean well, and do things in a certain manner that exudes love & harmony. I am not that guy. I might do some things that may seem like I went out of my way for someone but mostly, the reasons behind my seemingly nice demeanour are the lack of ability of many of my peers in being remotely close to what is expected of sane, civilized human beings. Holding the door for a lady is not nice, it is basic etiquette. Similarly, saying hello to your Uber driver or calling them by their name, is not a nice thing, it is the normal thing to do.

I belive we are all living in a time where the negatives get overhyped and positives get drowned in the sorrow of the collective consciousness. With the pandemic it has become even tougher to keep one’s positivitiy going. Every time I take a flight, I swear there are at least a hundred people secretly wishing I get the damn virus. (Twenty odd people have already said this to me directly). In such extraordinary times, where the larger belief is moving towards an each one help one phenomenon, if a handful of folks still believe in OCHO (One can help others, others can help one), it helps, A LOT.

P.S. I know I’m writing really shitty content. But I know it has to get a whole lot worse before it starts to get better. Peace out.

Vineet V. George
Vineet V. George

Written by Vineet V. George

A sales and consulting professional who enjoys writing about things that are close to his heart.

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