The Bedtime Series | Season 1, Ep 11: Bad News?
I’m a bit tired today. I’m in Pune, and I’m loving it. The last two times I was so sad in Pune. No idea why. I was just morose, feeling nostalgic, missing something or the other, not able to make sense of myself — mostly in a daze. Now I’m clearer, doing much better work, enjoying riding my bike here (I’d left it in our office basement after riding it from Bengaluru). Life is a bit clearer with my general plans to move on set in stone. Things are looking quite nice, positive and happy (touchwood).
But on this happy note, I wanted to talk about bad news. Someone had called today to share some business related bad news that I now have to keep with me because of confidentiality reasons. Can’t share with the team. In a way it’s good. Gives me time to come to terms with it, make plans, think of how best to communicate it to the team and then be ready to manage their anger, fear and irritation. Has happened a few times before. I wasn’t very capable to manage it back then. I feel a bit more capable now but obviously, it’s going to be tough. I think what’s changed in me with experience is the strong belief I have in the larger good that comes out of bad things that happen to us. And more so with negative circumstances that have not been brought on by any direct action or inaction by us. Like this is completely out of the blue — from the universe, no rhyme or reason. So there’s always a hidden good that will come from this. We don’t know what that is right now, some times we might never even get to know consciously, but more often than nought, we do get to experience a much larger positive impact from something that seemed like the ‘end of the world’ to us (sooner than later).
Let’s end here for now. Nothing much to say for now. Abrupt and positive end today.