Season #2 | A New Start — The Prelude
Well yes, I’m back! It’s been quite a hiatus I must say. Hadn’t really thought about the amount of time it’d take me to come back when I ended Season 1, but all I can say is that I want to make this next Season of 21 episodes worth the wait. (ALSO, I have started reading more, and have decided to proof-read my own blogs before publishing them so that there is a lot more coherence and structural integrity in them).
So, where are we in life? Technically it has been exactly 9 days since my ‘official’ last day at the organization where I spent the best four years of my professional journey till now. It was an experience of a lifetime, building a global practice, almost from scratch, and creating a ‘brand’ within & outside the organization. Going through 2020 (the pandemic) with this young team, and continuing to grow it throughout the lockdown (and the multiple challenges working from home presented) were experiences of a lifetime. Planning my exit, hiring a rockstar to lead the next phase of dramatic growth and managing the entire process as smoothly as possible allowed me to leave with a big smile on my face (and a tingling happiness in my heart).
Finally I’m on my second break in life, and this feels GOOD! I know I’m being very anti-corporate by being this baby who needs time off every 12–13 years (the last one was right after school), but it feels nice, getting some time to just ‘be’ me and do the things I want to do, without really feeling any extrinsic push to do more or be more. Feels like I owed my mind (and body) this peace and quiet.
So what’s this series going to be about? I won’t lie. It’s going to be fluid. It’s also going to be a about this journey I shall go through. I haven’t figured out the next phase of life. I have also not figured out what these next few weeks would look like. So as always, this series of episodes is also going to be a work-in-progress. But I’ll probably write more about experiences, share insights about how I reach certain conclusions or learnings. I might also right about how I plan my day or what am I feeling as I go through motions & emotions on a daily basis.
Everything said & done, I shall keep it fun, light, entertaining and focus a lot more on growth. Mindful growth.
See you tomorrow. Or soon. :)